Action Steps to Take When You Recognize Sadness, Depression, and Mood Regulation challenges. Scan to help educate students about how to recognize signs and symptoms in themselves; promote healthy choices; help students find coping strategies; find a safe place to talk; advocate for students to visit a mental health professional.
The action steps include:
- Reduce class pressures by breaking tasks into smaller parts and allow for choices for assignments.
- Teach students that there have been many famous and successful people who have had depression and overcame it;
- Help students use positive statements about their performance and during interactions;
- Encourage realistic goal-setting and provide step-by-step instructions with flexible expectations;
- For students who are socially isolated, encourage gradual social interaction and bring them into group discussions;
- Ask parents what would be helpful in class to reduce pressure and motivate their child;
- Encourage extra-curricular and physical activities throughout the school day to increase the “feel good” brain chemicals;
- Never dismiss student’s feelings by saying “you will get over it”or“it’s just a part of growing up”;
- When students approach you about their depression, ask questions to help understand how they feel and what they are experiencing;
- Ensure that students write down assignment instructions correctly so they understand what is expected of them;
- Post the class schedule daily so students can know what to expect with no surprises; and
- During class and throughout the day, always model positive self-talk and problem solving for your students.
This resource is part of the Depression series of Early Intervention resources developed by Miami University’s Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs (CSBMHP) and the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success (OMHNSS) as part of the Early Intervention Initiative (funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, grant #2200368,
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