Action Steps to Take When You Recognize Suicidal Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviors can help educate students about how to recognize signs and symptoms in themselves; know how to reach out for help; support students who may be at risk; provide a safe place to talk; and advocate for students to visit a mental health professional. The action steps include:
- Provide universal, Tier 1 approaches to educate groups of students.
- Provide targeted, Tier 2 approaches to educate students at risk.
- Provide individual, Tier 3 approaches to educate students by a mental health professional.
- Understand and familiarize yourself with your school district’s policies and procedures.
- Never lave someone who is suicidal alone.
- Always supervise the student to ensure safety.
- Pay attention to student warning signs through their academic work.
- Always take suicidal feelings, thoughts, and behaviors seriously, no matter how minor they seem.
- Students at risk can benefit from a supportive class and school environment.
- Offer opportunities for students to make positive connections with one another.
This resource is part of the Depression series of Early Intervention resources developed by Miami University’s Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs (CSBMHP) and the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success (OMHNSS) as part of the Early Intervention Initiative (funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, grant #2300293,
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