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Partnerships to Support Student Mental Health Guide

The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center’s research brief recommends five strategies educators and families can utilize to support child and adolescent mental health.



The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center’s research brief in a downloadable guide format emphasizes families’ and schools’ role in supporting children’s and adolescents’ mental health. Additionally, they provide five strategies educators and families can utilize so all students experience the benefits of mental health support. The first strategy is to encourage supportive relationships at home. Supportive relationships protect children from the negative impacts of trauma. Also, caregivers who have support for their own needs form home environments that foster healthy development for children. The second strategy recommends engaging families in nurturing teacher-student relationships. High-quality teacher relationships can generate feelings of emotional security, autonomy, competence, increase school engagement and achievement. Next, ensure home and school routines and rituals support students’ stability and sense of identity. Routines and rituals serve as protective factors against stressors for children. Cultivating a sense of belonging for students and families in the school community is also vital. Finally, promote problem-solving and self-regulation skills at home and school. Developing these skills allows children and young adults to adapt and overcome challenges in life. These strategies can be found at

No Wrong Door Marketplace resources are curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence
for Prevention & Early Intervention. 513-529-2450

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Partnership Affiliation

Miami University of Ohio, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services


The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center’s research brief in a downloadable guide format emphasizes families’ and schools’ role in supporting children’s and adolescents’ mental health. Additionally, they provide five strategies educators and families can utilize so all students experience the benefits of mental health support. The first strategy is to encourage supportive relationships at home. Supportive relationships protect children from the negative impacts of trauma. Also, caregivers who have support for their own needs form home environments that foster healthy development for children. The second strategy recommends engaging families in nurturing teacher-student relationships. High-quality teacher relationships can generate feelings of emotional security, autonomy, competence, increase school engagement and achievement. Next, ensure home and school routines and rituals support students’ stability and sense of identity. Routines and rituals serve as protective factors against stressors for children. Cultivating a sense of belonging for students and families in the school community is also vital. Finally, promote problem-solving and self-regulation skills at home and school. Developing these skills allows children and young adults to adapt and overcome challenges in life. These strategies can be found at

No Wrong Door Marketplace resources are curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence
for Prevention & Early Intervention. 513-529-2450

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Partnership Affiliation

Miami University of Ohio, Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services


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