The Using Data from Universal Social and Emotional Screeners to Inform Interventions guidance brief, developed by Lauren Hartger, MSE, School Psychologist can help with using data to determine intervention needs.The screening guidance includes:
- Look at the data
- Determine what data will be used to identify students
- Use the data to identify students who need follow up
- Remember to obtain parent consent for additional data you may collect on students
- Determine intervention needs
- Plan for intervention
This resource is part of the Ohio School Wellness Initiative https://ohioschoolwellnessinitiative.comScreening Guidance Series developed by Miami University’s School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention and Intervention and the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success (OMHNSS) also as part of the Early Intervention Initiative (funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, grant #2200368,
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