Suicide Prevention: Self-Care Tips for Young Adults provides seventeen self-care tips for young adults. The 17 tips include:
- Be kind to yourself, first and foremost
- Suicidal thoughts need not be acted on. Be reassured that there are solutions and ways to cope
- Cherish yourself: pamper yourself and find comfort
- Sit with your emotions, and allow yourself to feel and accept them
- Talk to yourself like your best friend would
- Find your people, they will support you
- Get outside yourself
- Take a walk, donate, say thank you to someone who has helped you, compliment someone (or yourself)
- Do a DIY self-care kit of things that make you feel better
- Find a safe place
- Say yes to therapy
- Star that project you’ve been planning for a while
- Plan a lunch with someone
- Recharge: make time to stop, stand, and stretch for 2 minutes
- Five yourself permission to say no or take a mental health day
- When in doubt, reach out Dial 988
- Fight the thoughts: learn to cope and challenge them
This resource is part of the Suicide Prevention series of Early Intervention resources developed by Miami University’s Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs (CSBMHP) and the Ohio MentalHealth Network for School Success (OMHNSS) as part of the Early Intervention Initiative (funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, grant # G03746,
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