Support and Education Groups provides information about agencies and directories who offer education groups and support groups for people experiencing mental health, substance use, or other behavioral health concerns.
An education group isa safe place where you can get information that’s practical, constructive, and helpful. A support group is a gathering of people facing common issues to share what’s troubling them. Through the sharing of experiences, they’re able to offer support, encouragement, and comfort to the other group members, and receive the same in return.
The agencies and directories include::
- National Alliance for Mental Illness
- Consumer/ Peer Operated Services
- Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Directory
- Narcotic Anonymous Meeting Directory
- Celebrate Recovery Meeting Directory
- Al Anon or Alateen
- Support Groups by County
This resource is part of the Depression series of Early Intervention resources developed by Miami University’s Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs (CSBMHP) and the Ohio Mental Health Network for School Success (OMHNSS) as part of the Early Intervention Initiative (funded by the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, grant #2200368,
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