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Trauma Screener CANS

The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a screener developed for children’s services and is favored by parents and clinicians for its simplicity and relevancy. CANS comprises six domains: life-functioning, strengths, cultural factors, caregiver resources and needs, behavioral and emotional needs, and risk behaviors. Need and strength items are rated on a scale from 0-3. For need items, a score of 0 indicates no need for action, 1 signals a need requiring monitoring, 2 reveals an interfering need and action is necessary to address it, and 3 alerts that a need is disabling and requires immediate action. For strength items, a rating of 0 means a well-developed strength that can be used in an action plan. A 1 is a helpful strength that can be built upon, 2 needs strength-building efforts before being utilized in a plan, and 3 reveals there is no strength identified currently.



The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a screening tool developed for children’s services to support decision-making, facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and allow outcome monitoring of services. The screener was created from a communication perspective to link the assessment process to designing individualized service plans. Parents and providers favor CANS for being simple to understand and do not necessarily require scoring to be meaningful to youth and families. Each item on the screener suggests different pathways for service planning.

CANS consists of six domains, and each item is rated 0-3. The domains include life-functioning, strengths, cultural factors, caregiver resources and needs, behavioral and emotional needs, and risk behaviors. For need items, a rating of 0 suggests there is no current need for action or intervention. A 1 means a need is identified that requires monitoring, waiting, or preventative action. A score of 2 reveals action is necessary to ensure that the identified need interferes with functioning and is addressed. The highest score of three signals the need is dangerous and requires immediate or intensive action.

For strength items, the action levels are also rated 0-3. A rating of 0 on an item suggests it is a well-developed centerpiece strength that may be used in an intervention or action plan. A 1 ranks the item as a helpful strength that can be built upon in the plan, but some effort is required to develop it into a centerpiece strength. A 2 on an item means the strength has been identified but requires strength-building efforts before it can be utilized in a plan. Finally, a strength score of 3 means no current strength is determined, and efforts are needed to develop a strength in that area.

For more information:

No Wrong Door Marketplace resources are curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. 513-529-2450


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Partnership Affiliation

Miami University of Ohio


The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is a screening tool developed for children’s services to support decision-making, facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and allow outcome monitoring of services. The screener was created from a communication perspective to link the assessment process to designing individualized service plans. Parents and providers favor CANS for being simple to understand and do not necessarily require scoring to be meaningful to youth and families. Each item on the screener suggests different pathways for service planning.

CANS consists of six domains, and each item is rated 0-3. The domains include life-functioning, strengths, cultural factors, caregiver resources and needs, behavioral and emotional needs, and risk behaviors. For need items, a rating of 0 suggests there is no current need for action or intervention. A 1 means a need is identified that requires monitoring, waiting, or preventative action. A score of 2 reveals action is necessary to ensure that the identified need interferes with functioning and is addressed. The highest score of three signals the need is dangerous and requires immediate or intensive action.

For strength items, the action levels are also rated 0-3. A rating of 0 on an item suggests it is a well-developed centerpiece strength that may be used in an intervention or action plan. A 1 ranks the item as a helpful strength that can be built upon in the plan, but some effort is required to develop it into a centerpiece strength. A 2 on an item means the strength has been identified but requires strength-building efforts before it can be utilized in a plan. Finally, a strength score of 3 means no current strength is determined, and efforts are needed to develop a strength in that area.

For more information:

No Wrong Door Marketplace resources are curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. 513-529-2450


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All Audiences



Partnership Affiliation

Miami University of Ohio


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