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Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)

The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale is a suicide risk assessment tool.



The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) is a tool that supports suicide risk assessment in adolescents through a series of items, and answers that help users both identify whether someone is at risk for suicide and assess the severity and immediacy of that risk. The questionnaire takes about 5 minutes to administer. Included on the document are 6 questions with scoring and potential next steps. Physicians and other professionals should seek training from a licensed mental health professional to establish confidence in administering this tool. Ensure your office has procedures and ongoing training regarding what to do if a patient is experiencing suicidal ideation.


Tool can be downloaded and printed freely but may require permission to use commercially.


No Wrong Door Marketplace materials or resources are reviewed and curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. To discuss resources, add, or suggest updates to No Wrong Door Marketplace, please call 513-529-2450.

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The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) is a tool that supports suicide risk assessment in adolescents through a series of items, and answers that help users both identify whether someone is at risk for suicide and assess the severity and immediacy of that risk. The questionnaire takes about 5 minutes to administer. Included on the document are 6 questions with scoring and potential next steps. Physicians and other professionals should seek training from a licensed mental health professional to establish confidence in administering this tool. Ensure your office has procedures and ongoing training regarding what to do if a patient is experiencing suicidal ideation.


Tool can be downloaded and printed freely but may require permission to use commercially.


No Wrong Door Marketplace materials or resources are reviewed and curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. To discuss resources, add, or suggest updates to No Wrong Door Marketplace, please call 513-529-2450.


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