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Parent Guide to Help Youth After Violence

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The National Child Traumatic Stress Network developed a fact sheet to guide parents to help their children after a violent event and includes common reactions to an attack, self-care recommendations for parents, and ways to assist youth.



The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) wrote parent guidance on how to assist children following a violent event. Violent attacks are terrifying experiences, and youth may respond differently based on age and previous experiences. The fact sheet provides children’s typical reactions, self-care tips for parents, and ways parents can help their children. Common responses after a violent event include feelings of fear and anxiety, decreases in attention and concentration, changes in school or work-related habits, and engaging in harmful habits.

The sheet suggests parents reflect on the impact of the attack, do their best to take care of themselves, and take breaks when needed. The fact sheet recommends talking to your children, being open to answering questions, and offering support. Additionally, parents can help their children feel safe, address acting-out behaviors in a non-judgemental way, and discuss healthier ways to cope with strong feelings after an attack. To explore the full sheet and learn more about how to help youth, visit:



No Wrong Door Marketplace materials or resources are reviewed and curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. To discuss resources, add, or suggest updates to No Wrong Door Marketplace, please call 513-529-2450.

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The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) wrote parent guidance on how to assist children following a violent event. Violent attacks are terrifying experiences, and youth may respond differently based on age and previous experiences. The fact sheet provides children’s typical reactions, self-care tips for parents, and ways parents can help their children. Common responses after a violent event include feelings of fear and anxiety, decreases in attention and concentration, changes in school or work-related habits, and engaging in harmful habits.

The sheet suggests parents reflect on the impact of the attack, do their best to take care of themselves, and take breaks when needed. The fact sheet recommends talking to your children, being open to answering questions, and offering support. Additionally, parents can help their children feel safe, address acting-out behaviors in a non-judgemental way, and discuss healthier ways to cope with strong feelings after an attack. To explore the full sheet and learn more about how to help youth, visit:



No Wrong Door Marketplace materials or resources are reviewed and curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. To discuss resources, add, or suggest updates to No Wrong Door Marketplace, please call 513-529-2450.

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