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Tips for Teens about Vaping

SAMHSA created this downloadable, printable fact sheet about e-cigarettes for you to share with the young people in your life.



The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) created this downloadable, printable tip sheet for you to share with the young people in your life.

Think creatively about when to share these types of materials. You could take copies to certain events throughout the year, or give to parents during meetings or activities. Share materials with Health teachers, coaches, or anyone that might influence healthy outcomes for youth. It is important for young people to hear and see that adults encourage them to make good choices. 

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No Wrong Door Marketplace materials or resources are reviewed and curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. To discuss resources, add, or suggest updates to No Wrong Door Marketplace, please call 513-529-2450.

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The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) created this downloadable, printable tip sheet for you to share with the young people in your life.

Think creatively about when to share these types of materials. You could take copies to certain events throughout the year, or give to parents during meetings or activities. Share materials with Health teachers, coaches, or anyone that might influence healthy outcomes for youth. It is important for young people to hear and see that adults encourage them to make good choices. 

Related Items:

More Tip Sheet topics:


No Wrong Door Marketplace materials or resources are reviewed and curated by the Ohio School-Based Center of Excellence for Prevention & Early Intervention. To discuss resources, add, or suggest updates to No Wrong Door Marketplace, please call 513-529-2450.


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